The Human Connection Project

Loneliness is as lethal as smoking 15 cigarettes a day. Half of all American’s consider themselves lonely and that number is worse for Millennials and Gen-Z. Loneliness was identified as a public health epidemic.

Our age group has the highest levels of psychiatric disorders and it is in part linked to our lack of human connection. That’s where you come in.

We are sending journals out across America to show that we are more connected than we may think. You are not alone in any of this, and sharing is more impactful than you think.

How it works:

We send you a journal with 4 questions to answer, you answer the questions, share a picture of you with the journal and your responses with us and pass it along to someone else.

When the journal is filled, the last person ships it back to us at the included address and the $5 that is stored at the back of the journal 🙂

Each journal has the following four questions:

  1. What piece of advice would you give your 15-year-old self? What advice would your 92-year-old self give you right now?
  2. What was the last meaningful interaction you had?
  3. When are you most happy?
  4. What surprised you most about life after high school/college graduation?

Why it works:

The journals create an empathic setting. Feeling as though someone understands what you are going through allows catharsis and healing.

Want to be a part of this?!

We are hoping to get a journal in all 5o states. If you would like to start a journal in your state, please email us at

If you don’t have a journal, feel free to answer these questions and share them with us! Send audio files to and we’ll play them on future episodes.

Jordyn. 27. Colorado.

Your pain is real, we don’t always receive the love we deserve. You are worth so much more than you think.

Emily. 28. Colorado.

You will be much more than a college transcript and a job, Enjoy your friendships and don’t worry about how much people like you, just be genuine.